Shop our range of paints and paint sets from The army Painter and take your scale plastic models to the next level.
The Army Painter - Miniature and Model Files These 3x diamond files are extremely versatile tools for the wargamer & hobbyist. A must-have for custom conversions and cleaning mold lines, as well as preparing pieces for gluing. Works on plastic, resin and metal surfaces.
The Army Painter - Meadow Flowers
The Army Painter - Mountain Tufts
The Army Painter - Battlefield Grass Green
The Army Painter - Battlefield Field Grass
Description:The ultimate brush selection for terrain painting! The Gamemaster: Terrain Brush Kit contains 4 brushes designed especially for painting your XPS foam, Styrofoam and MDF board terrain pieces.Effect brush is perfect for painting effects like arcane symbols, bloody bullet holes, and rusted metal on your fantasy and sci-fi terrain. Wash brush is the best tool to add depth and shading to your terrain pieces. Medium drybrush Is perfect for detailed dry brushing work and the Large drybrush is great for base coating larger areas!Features:• These miniature paint brushes are perfect for professionals and beginners alike. They are made from high quality materials that will last for years.• Specialized model paint brushes designed to help you create the perfect terrain.• Works great with XPS foam, Styrofoam and MDF boards.
Enhance the realism of your miniature war gaming terrain with The Army Painter - Scorched Tuft - 77 Tufts. These high-quality tufts are perfect for adding a touch of natural beauty to your gaming table. With a scorched brown colour, they mimic the appearance of dried grass and vegetation, creating a realistic and immersive environment for your battles. Easy to apply and durable, these tufts are a must-have for any hobbyist or gamer looking to take their miniature gaming experience to the next level.
Shop our range of paints and paint sets from The army Painter and take your scale plastic models to the next level.
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